Community Advocacy & Support

At Blossom, we are dedicated to helping individuals and families from all backgrounds navigate and settle into life in the UK. This includes providing relevant language support with cultural competency to those who are new to the UK, especially asylum seekers and those fleeing persecution. We also assist those who are overwhelmed by hardship, poverty, and lack of literacy or digital skills, and those who struggle to access support, such as Citizens Advice, due to language barriers or other challenges.

Our services are not limited to new arrivals alone, as we also assist those with ESOL needs, older individuals, and those who have been in the UK for many years but are now struggling to navigate the complexities of the system and support. We understand that settling into a new country can be overwhelming and difficult, and we strive to provide a welcoming and supportive environment that empowers individuals to take control of their lives and succeed.

Through our advocacy work, we help individuals fill in complex forms for welfare benefits, immigration issues, housing support, and a range of other issues. We also provide advice and support on how to access other services, including healthcare and education.

At Blossom, we are proud to have cultural competencies and the ability to speak several community languages. This allows us to better understand and serve the needs of our diverse communities, and to provide culturally sensitive support that is tailored to each individual’s unique needs.

Our goal is to create a community that is inclusive, supportive, and empowering, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and succeed. We are committed to breaking down barriers, reducing disparities, and promoting equity and social justice for all.

At Blossom, we recognise that the digital divide is a significant barrier for many communities, particularly those who are already marginalised or disadvantaged. We help people set up accounts on local authority websites, join the library, and access GP and NHS services online. Our team is equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to guide people through the complexities of digital services, ensuring they have access to the resources they need.

We also recognise that mental health support is vital, especially for those who have experienced trauma or face ongoing challenges. Many of the people we work with have no recourse to public funds, are unregistered carers, or care for disabled children or adults. They may not know what support or benefits they are entitled to and may be on zero-hour contracts with no SSP rights or pensions.

That’s why we provide advocacy services to help people access the support they need, whether it’s navigating the benefits system, accessing healthcare, or finding suitable accommodation. We provide emotional and practical support, helping people to feel empowered and in control of their lives.

We understand that it can be challenging to navigate complex systems, especially for those with English as a second language or those who have been in the UK for many years but now find themselves struggling to access support. That’s why our team includes individuals with cultural competencies and the ability to speak several community languages, ensuring that we can communicate effectively and sensitively with those we serve.

Overall, at Blossom, we believe in promoting equity and reducing disparities, providing opportunities for everyone, including marginalised communities, to participate in community development initiatives. We are committed to providing holistic support that addresses the diverse needs of the communities we serve and working towards a more just and inclusive society.

To schedule an appointment with an adviser, please leave a message here or contact Shahid Mahmood at 07786478961.